Terry Returns to Boston

Terry Francona (AP)

Terry Francona has managed plenty of games at Fenway Park, but he hasn’t managed from the third base dugout since he managed the Phillies. The Cleveland Indians manager returns to Boston for the first time since being let go by the Red Sox two years ago. However, Francona has been calm, funny, and welcoming to his return to Fenway.

Although it’s only May, this is a pivotal four-game series. Both teams are well over .500. Cleveland is in first place ahead of Detroit in the AL Central, and Boston is fighting the Yankees for first in the AL East. Francona said that his mindset hasn’t changed since returning.

”Every game means the same to me here in Cleveland as it ever did here (in Boston). Our goals are exactly the same – to win the game we’re playing,” said Francona right before the game tonight. Francona led the Red Sox to several playoff appearances and two World Series titles as manager for the Red Sox from 2004-2011. He was hired this winter by the Indians after they finished in last place and fired Manny Acta.

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