RG III Sets Goals for Week 1 Return

Robert Griffin III (AP)

Washington Redskins star quarterback, Robert Griffin III, gave his first in-depth news conference today since having reconstructive knee surgery in January. He said that he hopes to be back by the start of the season, but he will not rush the rehabilitation process and risk his career. His goal is to be cleared by the start of training camp in July, but it’s still too early to tell if he’s ready.

Griffin has been slowly rehabbing at the team’s facilities, and he participated in an offseason practice session where he ran drills with other injured teammates. Griffin was injured during last year’s playoff loss to the Seattle Seahawks, and fans are concerned that he will be more injury-prone during his career.

Dr. James Andrews, a renowned sports surgeon, performed the surgery, and Griffin immediately set his mind on his comeback. He even set his cell phone passcode to the date of the Redskins’ season opener.

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