No Way Jose!!!

Jose Canseco

Las Vegas police are investigating an alleged incident that former slugger, Jose Canseco, committed sexual assault on an unidentified woman. Canseco has spoken out about his innocence adamantly over the past couple of days.

He disputed these claims Wednesday on Twitter, and he spoke to reporters today. He told Fox Sports Southwest reporters, “I don’t have to rape a woman. I think it’s ridiculous.” He then added how he would do polygraph examinations to prove it. He also accuses the media of negatively portraying him.

Canseco played in the MLB from 1985 to 2001, hitting 462 home runs. However, his legacy will be connected with the “Steroid Era”. Canseco admitted to using steroids while he played, and he named Mark McGwire and several other teammates who were using steroids at the time. Since leaving the MLB, Canseco has struggled with personal and financial problems. He currently plays for the Fort Worth Cats of the independent United League.

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