All Fried Up

Tiger Woods

Sergio Garcia

The PGA’s most celebrated golf feud was fired up when Sergio Garcia made a racial remark about Tiger Woods during an awards banquet, when he was asked if he would have dinner with Tiger during the upcoming U.S. Open.

Garcia said, “We will have him around every night.” He then added the comment which took everybody by storm, “We will serve fried chicken.” Garcia later apologized, but the feud between him and Woods began in 1999. The feud heated up during this year’s TPC match, which paired the two up for the final rounds. Garcia hit a terrible shot on the second hole, and later blamed Woods for distracting him by pulling a club out of his bag.

Fuzzy Zoeller made a similar comment about Woods in 1997, using the word “chicken”. Things got even more stupid when European Tour CEO, George O’Grady, attempted to defend Garcia by saying he had a lot of “colored” friends. O’Grady later apologized for that.

The feud between these two is turning into Hatfields vs. McCoys and, apparently, it won’t go away.

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